La 3.1.0 de Super Smash Bros. Ultimate renforce les personnages low tier [Patch Note]


Ceux que l’ont croyait perdus ont enfin droit à une mise à jour leur étant consacrée.

La mise à jour 3.1.0 de Super Smash Bros. Ultimate est en ligne depuis le 31 mai, et c’est probablement celle qui contient le plus d’ajustements de personnage. Nintendo en a sans doute marre de voir son pauvre petit Little Mac au fond du panier à chaque tier list faites par un joueur professionnel.

En terme de contenu, ce patch ajoute la possibilité d’utilisation des Lunettes VR Toy-Con, dont un mode entier du jeu lui est consacré. De plus, de nouvelles fonctionnalités concernant les amiibos ont été inclues. En effet, les combattants FIG peuvent désormais être utilisés dans les arènes de combat, et peuvent également être envoyés à l’aventure via le menu Extras.

Les ajustements, comme dit précédemment, sont nombreux. Et même si la quasi-totalité des personnages ont été impactés de près ou de loin, certains combattants ont été BEAUCOUP retouchés. Le but étant bien sûr, d’équilibrer un maximum les différents protagonistes du jeu.

Diddy Kong, pour n’en citer qu’un, a reçu de nombreux buffs qui vont potentiellement lui permettre d’arriver sur la scène compétitive. Sans oublier Bayonetta, Ryu, Ken, Little Mac, Marth, Snake… Et pour couronner le tout, le coup de genou de Captain Falcon est plus rapide ET a une plus grande portée.

Voici les détails du patch 3.1.0 de Super Smash Bros. Ultimate :

All FightersBasic MovementsAfter wall jumping, you’ll now need to wait longer before wall jumping in the same direction again.
Donkey KongNeutral SpecialSuper armor lasts longer after unleashing the fully charged move.
SamusUp Smash AttackMade it easier to hit multiple times.
Dark SamusUp Smash AttackMade it easier to hit multiple times.
FoxNeutral Attack 2Made it easier to hit multiple times when continuing with a flurry attack.
PikachuGrabIncreased grab range.
LuigiNeutral Attack 2Made it easier to hit multiple times when continuing with Neutral Attack 3.
LuigiGrabAdjusted the attack range when used just before landing.
It is now be easier to hit opponents in front of you.
LuigiDown SpecialWhen using this move on the ground and rising into the air with certain timing, the invincibility will no longer last the entire duration of the move.
NessNeutral Attack 2Increased attack range and moved it forward. Made it easier to hit multiple times when continuing with Neutral Attack 3.
Captain FalconSide Tilt AttackExtended launch distance.
Captain FalconUp Tilt AttackIncreased attack speed.
Captain FalconForward Air AttackIncreased the high-damage range.
Captain FalconBack Air AttackExtended launch distance.
Captain FalconSide SpecialIncreased attack speed when getting close to an opponent.
Increased the durability of the super armor.
Extended the time until launched opponents can move again.
Captain FalconDown SpecialExtended the time hit detection lasts on the ground and in the air.
JigglypuffNeutral Attack 1Made it easier to hit multiple times when continuing with Neutral Attack 2.
JigglypuffNeutral Attack 2Increased attack range.
PeachNeutral Attack 1Made it easier to hit multiple times when continuing with Neutral Attack 2.
PeachSide Smash AttackExtended launch distance with the golf club.
PeachForward Air AttackShortened the launch distance.
PeachBackward ThrowShortened the launch distance.
PeachSide SpecialIncreased vulnerability after hitting.
PeachUp SpecialMade it easier to hit multiple times.
PeachDown SpecialIncreased vulnerability.
DaisyNeutral Attack 1Made it easier to hit multiple times when continuing with Neutral Attack 2.
DaisySide Smash AttackExtended launch distance with the golf club.
DaisyForward Air AttackShortened the launch distance.
DaisyBackward ThrowShortened the launch distance.
DaisySide SpecialIncreased vulnerability after hitting.
DaisyUp SpecialMade it easier to hit multiple times.
DaisyDown SpecialIncreased vulnerability.
Ice ClimbersBasic MovementsIce Climbers will now recover midair jumps the same way as other fighters.
Ice ClimbersBasic MovementsNana will no longer jump when pressing the jump button right after a grab.
PichuBasic MovementsPichu is now easier to hit.
PichuBasic MovementsIncreased shield size.
PichuSide Tilt AttackIncreased the amount of damage taken when using the move.
Shortened the launch distance.
PichuSide Smash AttackIncreased the amount of damage taken when using the move.
Increased vulnerability.
PichuDown Smash AttackIncreased the amount of damage taken when using the move.
PichuForward Air AttackIncreased the amount of damage taken when using the move.
PichuBack Air AttackIncreased the amount of damage taken when using the move.
PichuDown Air AttackIncreased the amount of damage taken when using the move.
PichuForward ThrowIncreased the amount of damage taken when using the move.
PichuNeutral SpecialIncreased the amount of damage taken when using the move.
PichuSide SpecialIncreased the amount of damage taken when using the move.
PichuUp SpecialIncreased the amount of damage taken when using the move.
PichuDown SpecialIncreased the amount of damage taken when using the move.
LucinaSide Smash AttackShortened the launch distance.
LucinaForward Air AttackShortened the launch distance.
GanondorfDown Smash AttackMade it easier to hit multiple times.
RoyUp Smash AttackMade it easier to hit multiple times.
ChromUp Smash AttackMade it easier to hit multiple times.
Mr. Game & WatchUp Tilt AttackMade it easier to hit multiple times.
PitUp Smash AttackMade it easier to hit multiple times.
Dark PitUp Smash AttackMade it easier to hit multiple times.
Dark PitSide SpecialReduced vulnerability when hitting an opponent in the air.
Zero Suit SamusSide SpecialMade it easier to hit multiple times.
Zero Suit SamusDown SpecialExtended the travel distance when inputting left or right with the stick.
SnakeNeutral Attack 1Made it easier to hit multiple times when continuing with Neutral Attack 2.
SnakeNeutral Attack 2Increased forward movement distance and made it easier to hit multiple times when continuing with Neutral Attack 3.
IvysaurNeutral SpecialMade it easier to hit multiple times.
CharizardNeutral Attack 1Made it easier to hit multiple times when continuing with Neutral Attack 2.
CharizardNeutral Attack 2Increased forward movement distance and made it easier to hit multiple times when continuing with Neutral Attack 3.
Diddy KongNeutral Attack 2Increased attack range and made it easier to hit multiple times when continuing from Neutral Attack 1.
Diddy KongDash AttackAdjusted launch angle.
Diddy KongUp Smash AttackMade it easier to hit multiple times.
Extended launch distance.
Diddy KongUp Air AttackReduced vulnerability.
Reduced vulnerability when landing after using the move.
Diddy KongDown Air AttackIncreased attack speed.
Diddy KongNeutral SpecialIncreased power. However, the power against shields will remain the same.
Shortened the charge time.
Diddy KongUp SpecialDecreased the fall speed while charging.
Extended vertical distance when charged.
Diddy KongFinal Smash
FS Meter
Increased power of the explosion and jet at the start.
Decreased the power of the tackle.
Made it harder for opponents with lower damage to be launched with the final tackle.
OlimarBasic MovementsOlimar is now easier to hit.
OlimarSide Smash AttackReduced the high-damage window.
Increased vulnerability.
OlimarUp Smash AttackIncreased vulnerability.
OlimarUp SpecialAdjusted the flight time when the move is used repeatedly.
LucarioNeutral Attack 1Reduced vulnerability.
LucarioNeutral Attack 2Reduced vulnerability.
LucarioNeutral Attack 3Reduced vulnerability.
LucarioDash AttackIncreased attack range.
LucarioSide Tilt AttackExtended launch distance.
LucarioSide Smash AttackIncreased the high-damage range.
LucarioUp Smash AttackMade it easier to hit multiple times.
LucarioNeutral Air AttackIncreased the range it will hit opponents on the ground.
LucarioUp Air AttackIncreased the high-damage range.
LucarioDown Air AttackMade it easier to hit multiple times.
LucarioNeutral SpecialReduced the range it will push opponents while charging.
Increased attack range when charged to max.
Reduced vulnerability.
LucarioSide SpecialFighters can no longer move through Lucario.
Increased grab range.
R.O.B.Neutral Attack 1Made it easier to hit multiple times when continuing with Neutral Attack 2.
R.O.B.Neutral Attack 2Increased attack range.
Toon LinkNeutral Attack 1Made it easier to hit multiple times when continuing with Neutral Attack 2.
WolfNeutral Attack 1Made it easier to hit multiple times when continuing with Neutral Attack 2.
WolfNeutral Attack 2Increased attack range and made it easier to hit multiple times when continuing with Neutral Attack 3.
WolfNeutral Attack 3Moved the attack range forward and made it easier to hit multiple times when continuing from Neutral Attack 2.
WolfDown Smash AttackShortened the launch distance of the front attack.
WolfNeutral SpecialIncreased vulnerability.
WolfUp SpecialReduced the range of the last attack.
Adjusted launch angle and made it easier to hit multiple times.
WolfDown SpecialWolf becomes invincible sooner.
Increased attack speed.
Increased detection speed to reflect projectiles.
VillagerUp Smash AttackMade it easier to hit multiple times.
Wii Fit TrainerNeutral Attack 1Made it easier to hit multiple times when continuing with Neutral Attack 2.
Rosalina & LumaDash AttackReduced Luma’s vulnerability.
Rosalina & LumaSide Smash AttackExtended launch distance when Luma is near.
Rosalina & LumaForward Air AttackMade it easier to hit multiple times.
Reduced vulnerability.
Increased the speed of the edge-grab range detection.
Rosalina & LumaGrabIncreased speed.
Rosalina & LumaUp SpecialIncreased fast-fall speed after using the move.
Rosalina & LumaDown SpecialReduced Luma’s vulnerability.
Rosalina & LumaOtherReduced Luma’s stamina.
Shortened the time it takes for Luma to reappear after being defeated when there are 1 to 3 opponents.
Little MacNeutral Attack 1Reduced vulnerability.
Made it easier to hit multiple times when continuing with Neutral Attack 2.
Little MacNeutral Attack 2Reduced vulnerability. Increased attack range.
Little MacNeutral Attack 3Increased attack range.
Little MacSide Tilt AttackMade it easier to hit multiple times when hitting an airborne opponent.
Little MacDown Tilt AttackIncreased attack range.
Little MacUp Smash AttackIncreased the amount of time super armor lasts.
Little MacNeutral SpecialReduced vulnerability when using the move on the ground when it is not fully charged.
Reduced vulnerability when using KO Uppercut on the ground.
Little MacSide SpecialIncreased the range at the beginning of the move.
Little MacDown SpecialReduced vulnerability.
Mii BrawlerNeutral Attack 2Made it easier to hit multiple times when continuing with a flurry attack.
Mii BrawlerFlurry AttackIncreased attack range.
Mii BrawlerNeutral Special 2Made it easier to hit multiple times.
Mii GunnerUp Smash AttackMade it easier to hit multiple times.
PAC-MANUp Smash AttackMade it easier to hit multiple times.
ShulkNeutral Attack 2Increased attack range.
ShulkUp Smash AttackAdjusted launch angle and made it easier to hit multiple times.
Bowser Jr.Dash AttackAdjusted launch angle.
Bowser Jr.Up Tilt AttackReduced vulnerability.
Bowser Jr.Up Smash AttackExtended launch distance.
Bowser Jr.Neutral SpecialIncreased attack speed in air.
Bowser Jr.Side SpecialIncreased speed when starting to move.
Bowser Jr.Up SpecialIncreased attack range of the hammer attack.
Increased the amount of time hit detection lasts for the hammer attack.
Adjusted launch angle of the explosion from the Junior Clown Car when used on the ground and made it easier to hit multiple times.
Duck HuntUp Air AttackMade it easier to hit multiple times.
RyuNeutral Attack 1Increased the amount of time you can cancel with a special move.
RyuNeutral Attack 2Increased the amount of time you can cancel with a special move.
RyuNeutral Attack (Strong, Close Range)Adjusted launch angle and distance.
RyuSide Tilt Attack (Weak, Close Range)Increased the amount of time you can cancel with a special move.
RyuSide Tilt Attack (Weak, Long Range)Increased attack range for the tip.
RyuUp Tilt Attack (Strong)Adjusted launch angle when hitting an airborne opponent.
RyuDown Tilt Attack (Weak)Increased the amount of time opponents will be in the damage animation when the move hits.
RyuDown Tilt Attack (Strong)Shortened launch distance.
RyuUp Air AttackIncreased the amount of time hit detection lasts.
Increased attack range.
RyuNeutral SpecialDecreased the speed for light Hadoken and light Shakunetsu Hadoken, and increased speed for heavy Hadoken and heavy Shakunetsu Hadoken.
Increased attack speed and power of Hadoken and Shakunetsu Hadoken.
Increased the range Hadoken will hit opponents on the ground.
RyuSide SpecialIncreased the first attack’s range when the move is performed on the ground.
KenNeutral Attack 1Increased the amount of time you can cancel with a special move.
KenNeutral Attack 2Increased the amount of time you can cancel with a special move.
KenNeutral Attack (Heavy, Close Range)Adjusted launch angle and distance.
KenNeutral Attack (Heavy, Close Range)Increased attack power and maintained launch distance.
KenSide Tilt Attack (Light, Close Range)Increased the amount of time you can cancel with a special move.
KenSide Tilt Attack (Light, Long Range)Increased attack range for the tip.
KenSide Tilt Attack (Heavy)Adjusted launch angle.
KenUp Tilt Attack (Heavy)Adjusted launch angle when hitting an airborne opponent.
KenDown Tilt Attack (Light)Increased the amount of time opponents will be in the damage animation when the move hits.
KenDown Tilt Attack (Heavy)Shortened launch distance.
KenSide Smash AttackExtended launch distance.
KenDown Air AttackIncreased the amount of time you can cancel with a special move or a Final Smash.
KenSide SpecialIncreased the first attack’s range when the move is performed on the ground.
Shortened the hitstun shuffle travel distance.
KenUp SpecialMade it easier to hit multiple times.
Shortened the hitstun shuffle travel distance.
Made the first attack not negate other attacks.
Extended launch distance when hitting an opponent on the ground with a flaming Shoryuken.
Extended launch distance when hitting an opponent in the air with a light Shoryuken or a flaming Shoryuken.
Shortened the launch distance for medium Shoryuken.
KenCommand-Input MoveShortened the hitstun shuffle travel distance when Nata Otoshi Geri hits.
KenCommand-Input MoveIncreased attack power of Oosoto Mawashi Geri and maintained launch distance.
KenCommand-Input MoveIncreased power of Inazuma Kick.
However, the power against shields will remain the same.
CloudDown Smash AttackMade it easier to hit multiple times.
BayonettaNeutral Attack 1Increased the amount of time hit detection lasts.
BayonettaFlurry Attack FinishExtended launch distance.
BayonettaDash AttackExtended launch distance for the high-damage range.
BayonettaUp Tilt AttackMade it easier to hit multiple times.
BayonettaDown Smash AttackIncreased the amount of time hit detection lasts.
BayonettaSide SpecialReduced vulnerability when landing.
BayonettaUp SpecialReduced vulnerability when landing.
BayonettaDown SpecialIncreased the amount of time counter detection lasts.
Increased the amount of time Bat Within’s detection lasts.
Increased the recovery speed of Witch Time’s duration.
InklingNeutral Attack 3Increased forward attack range and made it easier to hit multiple times when continuing from Neutral Attack 2.
King K. RoolUp Air AttackIncreased the speed of the edge-grab range detection.
IsabelleSide SpecialOpponents will not get caught when the hook is not moving quickly.
After the hook touches the ground and the hook is yanked back,
opponents can be caught.
IncineroarNeutral Attack 1Adjusted the launch distance when hitting with the elbow and made it easier to hit multiple times when continuing with Neutral Attack 2.
IncineroarNeutral Attack 2Made it easier to hit multiple times when continuing with Neutral Attack 3.
Piranha PlantNeutral Attack 3Increased attack range.
Piranha PlantFlurry AttackIncreased the amount of time opponents will be in the damage animation when the move hits.
JokerSide SpecialMade it easier to hit multiple times with Eigaon.



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